The pros who can help

Michael JonesNews Article

These medical professionals can help you during your prostate cancer treatment.

Urologist: an MD who specializes in disorders of the genitourinary tract, including the prostate and the adrenal glands.

Medical oncologist: an MD who specializes in treating cancer.

Radiation oncologist: an MD who treats cancer using radiation.

Surgical oncologist: an MD who treats cancer using surgery.

Pathologist: an MD who determines your diagnosis and may submit prostate cancer tissue for molecular studies.

Radiologist: an MD who may perform MRI studies and nuclear medicine studies.

Nurse navigator: an RN or NP who can assist you at every stage of your cancer care, from scheduling tests to accessing social and financial resources.

Oncology nurse: an RN who gives care, support and education during your cancer treatment.

Infusion nurse: an RN who administers medications, such as chemotherapy, and fluids through infusions.

Registered dietitian: a nutrition expert who can help you choose the best foods to eat, especially for those times you may not feel up to eating.

Psychiatrist/Psychologist: a mental health professional who can provide counseling for emotional issues you might experience during treatment. Psychiatrists can also prescribe medication.

Social worker: a professional who can help you deal with psychological and social issues, as well as financial concerns, including insurance matters.